The Centenary is immersed in culture: from Monday the Museo do Mar hosts the exhibition ‘100 anos de RC Celta. Goal and Art’.

13 January 2023
The Centenary unites again RC Celta and Banco de Alimentos with the campaign ‘100 ANOS – 100 TONNES’
26 January 2023

The first great cultural event of the Centenary of RC Celta has arrived. The Museo do Mar will host from next Monday and for several weeks the exhibition ‘100 anos de RC Celta. Gol e Arte’, which will allow citizens and Celtic fans to enjoy an exclusive selection of works of great Galician painters that the club has been collecting for years.

With this exhibition organised on the occasion of the Centenary, RC Celta shares its passion for art with its fans and lovers of painting in a spectacular setting, the Museo do Mar de Galicia, an autonomous cultural institution of reference in Vigo, which has also wanted to join in the commemoration of the 100 years of life of the club.

With this exhibition, with which both the Museum and RC Celta establish collaboration links for the future, the club and its Foundation once again demonstrate their vocation to promote culture in their territory.

The exhibition ‘100 anos de RC Celta. Gol e Arte’ will be inaugurated on Monday 23 January, just seven months before the celebration of the club’s birth, at 18:30 with thirty works by great Galician painters such as Laxeiro, Antón Pulido, Xaime Quesada, Leopoldo Varela, Lodeiro and Antonio Quesada, among others.

The club will make a limited number of invitations available to its season ticket holders to attend the exhibition, an event in which a detailed explanation of each of the works in the exhibition will be given. Season ticket holders wishing to attend this event can apply using the following form.